“The Making of the Neoliberal Subject,” Political Theory 47:2 (2019).
“What is Populism? And Who is the Populist? A State of the Field Review (2008-2018)” (co-authored with Jean-Paul Gagnon, Emily Beausoleil, Cleve Arguelles, Pierrick Chalaye, and Callum N. Johnston), Democratic Theory 5:2 (2018).
“Cybernetic Freedom: David Easton, Systems Thinking, and the Search for Dynamic Stability,” American Political Thought 7:4 (2018).
“The Cold War Origins of the ‘Crisis of Democracy,’” Democratic Theory 5:1 (2018).
“A Discordant Universe of Pluralisms,” Political Theory 43:4 (2015).
“Walter Benjamin’s Politics of Experience,” Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory 20:4 (2013).